A hearty welcome from the Artful Codger. I hope you enjoy the site.
Hard at work under a DeHavilland Artist’s sunshade MK I.
It all started when…
At the age of 9, my father gave me a small volume, “How to draw planes”, by Frank Wootton. I had been an aviation enthusiast and keen model builder since I can remember, but that slim book ignited a passion for drawing aircraft (and just about anything else) that has lasted all my life. Although I studied art in high school and university, I took a different path when I joined the US Air Force in 1966 and was selected for pilot training. My artistic endeavours took a back seat for quite a time while I carved our a career in the air for the next 48 years. Since my retirement from active commercial flying, I have re-kindled my love of drawing and painting.
The works presented here represent quite a few years of effort. Everything you see here is available as prints and many other great products from my shop at Redbubble.com. You can go here to see what’s available: https://www.redbubble.com/people/artistav8r/shop?asc=u&ref=account-nav-dropdown
Or click on the button below the selection.
Original works can be purchased direct or commissioned. Please contact me at the e-mail below.